Wednesday, July 27, 2016T10:18:00 PM

Let's give charity | Story

Someone once said that: "the success is not how many treasures, the money we have. But how much our possessions we already provide ". Indeed as we give therein lies the wealth we're feeling, I once why people prefer to save rather than give. because they are convinced that when saving his money surely will be back but they are not sure when to give that money will come back. But God has made sure that the given property in the way God Almighty is surely the Lord will replace it even multiply. 

Let us refer to the following story :

the story of money Rp. 100,000 and Rp. 1,000

Money Rp. 1000 and Rp 100,000 equally made of paper, both printed and circulated by and from the Bank Indonesia. At the same time they came out and separated from the Bank and marketed in the community. Four months later they meet again accidentally in a purse. between the money there was conversation.

Then Money Rp. 100,000 asked that Rp. 1000, "why the agency you are so shabby, dirty and bauamis ...?"

Answered by yg Rp. 1000, "because I was so out of the Bank directly in the hands of those subordinates, from pedicabs, vegetable, fish sellers and at the hands of beggars."

Then Rp. 1000 asked behind to Rp. 100,000, "why do you seem so new, neat and still clean?"

Answered by Rp. 100,000, "because as soon as I get out of the Bank, greeted the women pretty and release any expensive restaurant, at the mall and also 5-star hotels as well as keberadaanku always guarded and rarely out of a wallet."

Then Rp. 1000 asked again, "Have thou shalt stop in places of worship?"

Answered, "unprecedented."

RP. 1000. said again, "know that even though the situation as it is, every Friday I always stop at mosques, and in the hands of children-orphans, in fact I'm always thankful for God. I haven't seen a human being not because a value but because of benefits ... "

After hearing the words of thousand, hundred thousand money end up crying because it felt big, great, high, but not so useful for this.

Mandate from Story

"So it's not how much you earn, but how useful your income then. Because wealth is not for vanity. May we include the people who always Grace and giving thanks to the benefit for the hosts as well as exclusion from the nature of the arrogant. "

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