Sunday, July 31, 2016T9:02:00 PM

The story of Survivors from abyss of sin

 The Story of survivors from abyss of sin

While sitting and brooding Bu Ruth repeatedly pronounce forgiveness. Without realising it, from behind the curtains of his named Hilda continued to pay attention to his mother. Out of curiosity with the attitude of her mother's little else than usual, Hilda asked his mother, "there seems to be something that mothers think, huh?". "Yes mother almost did a very big mistake." replied Mrs Ruth.
Mother's answer was increasingly add to the curious Hilda, "errors which, mom?"
"you know this week's already you daddy in the outpatient in the hospital?". "of course mother again many need the money while the salary of the father this month's already running out for daily needs."
"Rightfully, mom?" Hilda increasingly want to know what the burden of her mother's mind.

Inspiring story – "When home from the market, the mother found a wallet at the t-junction you drop our gang entry, and after the mother see his true identity turns out to be a wallet that belonged to Bu Anis who lived in the alley next door.
Smiling Bu Ruth continued her story. "In my wallet that also there are quite a lot of money, almost tempted to take mom money mother her wallet and dispose of it elsewhere I'll found another person,"
BU Ruth continued her story "thank God, the mother is not so do not good intentions, because mom remember the message, that Halimi Ustad let us always remember to Alloh SWT who always see whatever we do,

In addition to the entire nor do we will get the note of the angels, therefore last mother kept membaa istighfar and purse and handing it to have. Hear the story of his mother was not noticeably Hilda shed tears, wipe it with a handkerchief. In his heart, Hilda grieve but grounded with faith. Nevertheless he should immediately farewell, because this afternoon there is a practice of recitation in his school.

How do the Devils tempt man

they could not make man to sin, but by searching the man with kelamahan affects the human heart through sight, hearing, thought, Association, etc. Devils and demons is very fond of people who're indulgence of emotion (anger).

 Let's fix the hearts, mind and words

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